Snap Vending

Efficiently manage your vending machine business!

Your 1st machine is FREE!

Snap Vending Key Features


Machine management is easy with Snap Vending. Track selections, inventory, cash collected, expenses, mileage, cash and click meter, stats and more! Full-line and bulk machine types are supported.


Inventory management allows you to create and track any inventory you purchase over its lifetime from order to sale. Create orders and transfer inventory from on hand, to in machine, to sold. Also track inventory profitability.

User Management

Snap Vending allows you to add multiple users to your business. You can create user levels and give users as much or as little access to your Snap Vending business.


Create and manage locations. Place as many machines as you want at any of your locations and manage location data and information with ease.

Mobile Web App

Snap Vending is mobile friendly. Our mobile web app allows you to take Snap Vending with you on the go so you can service your machines in real time on location.


Reporting allows you to get an overview, so you know how well your vending business is performing. Get reports for machines, locations, products, or your business as a whole!

Mobile Web App

Whether you have an Android, iPhone, tablet, or PC, Snap Vending will make managing your vending business easy no matter what device you are on!

Snap Vending on Different Devices